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Published Articles

The copyright of any and all articles published here is owned by John S. Cooper. Permission to republish any article, in whole or in part, in print or online must be granted by the author in writing.

I hope you enjoy these articles. Any comments or questions about these articles, or about the subject of presidential history or related topics, may be addressed to me at: johncooper@prodigy.net.

Including the articles appearing below, 132 of my 168 published articles can be viewed online at:  ​​​​​​​worldhistory.us/author/john-s-cooper  

White House Heroes, Part I

Teddy Roosevelt, Jr. was one of two presidential children to win the Medal of Honor. This article recounts his life and his valor in the most important moments of World War II.

Presidential Children: Teddy's "White House Gang"

Teddy Roosevelt loved the active life, and so did his children, especially the four boys. This article tells how they enjoyed the White House more than any other family.

Presidential Children: The Adams Family Kids

This article describes the amazing children of this amazing family.

A Dead End Job: Madison's Vice Presidents

Both of President Madison's Vice Presidents died in office. Madison served most of his tenure without a Vice President. Because of the 12th Amendment, no one missed them.

Rum, Romanism, and Rebellion: The Election of 1884

The election of Grover Cleveland in 1884 was one of the nastiest in our history. Scandals, illegitimate children, drinking, bribes and corruption, and religious bigotry ultimately decided the outcome of the election.

Substitute First Lady: Harriet Lane

President James Buchanan was a bachelor. His niece acted as his official hostess at various times in his political career, including his tenure in the White House. She proved to be very popular, and very effective.

Robert Todd Lincoln: Reluctant Witness to History

Robert Todd Lincoln, eldest son of President Abraham Lincoln, was intimately involved in the assassination of three U.S. presidents. This story is one of those interesting coincidences that makes history so fascinating.

Dolley Madison: An American Original

Dolley Madison may have been the most admired, most loved, and most effective first lady in our history.  Remembered today for the pastry products named after her, she changed the role of first lady, and our history.

The Wit and Wisdom of Abraham Lincoln, Part I

Abraham Lincoln had a joke or story for every occasion and situation. He often used them to gently make a difficult point. Here are some examples.

Almost President: Benjamin Wade

This man came closer to being president than any other person who never held the office. It all came down to a vote in the U.S. Senate, of which he was the presiding officer, where he lost by one vote when a senator changed his vote.

Death in the White House

The White House has seen its share of tragedy, including the death of two First Ladies and several presidential children.

A Tale of Two Cities, Part I

The president and vice president do not have to be of the same party. In two cases, a party intentionally nominated a president from one party and a vice president from another. Check out the ultimate in ticket balancing.

Acting Vice President, Part I

When the presidency becomes vacant, the vice president takes over. What happens when the vice presidency becomes vacant? It has happened more often than you might think. See some "acting vice presidents" in our history.

Acting Vice President, Part II

This article examines the string of men who served as acting vice president in the critical era before the Civil War. One even served as acting president.

The Case for the Electoral College

With all the talk about changing or abolishing the Electoral College, this article presents some compelling reasons to keep the Electoral College. Although written in December of 2000, after the last election where the winner of the popular vote lost the election, it is just as valid today as it was then.

John Cooper

MS/HS Social Studies / Alumni Director

  • www.hopecharter.org/sites/johncooper (opens in new window)

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