Drop-Off & Pick-Up
K-6th Arrival: 8:00 a.m
K-6th Dismissal: 3:00 p.m.
7-12th Arrival: 7:00 a.m.
7-12 Dismissal: 2:13 p.m.

The majority of our students will be arriving and leaving in cars during car circle.Therefore, it is important that everyone follows the prescribed routine of drop off and pickup. Staff members will be supervising both morning and afternoon car circles. We ask that you please respect their requests and directions since our main objective is the safety of your children and all the children for whom we are responsible
Please note that we have established a specific directional flow for incoming and outgoing traffic. This pattern should be followed at all times while children are on campus, from the earliest drop off to the latest pickup. For example: if you come to school mid-day, you should use the extended driveway to the right rather than cutting straight up around the one-way-to-the-right sign; when leaving, you should follow the circle around in front of the school and down through the lower parking lot.
In the morning, please have your child, books, lunchbox, backpack, etc., ready to exit the vehicle when you pull into the driveway. Waiting until your child gets out to gather everything delays the line and creates a domino effect on traffic. If your child has a project to bring in, please pull out of line to the side in front of the dumpster to get the project out of your vehicle.
- PARENTS MAY NOT WALK THEIR STUDENTS DIRECTLY TO CLASS...even on the first day...even for Kindergarten students.
- NO CELL PHONE USE BY DRIVERS while driving on campus! If you absolutely must make or receive a call, you must pull into a marked parking space to do so
- Please drop off and pick up your child using the car circle system.
- Drop off and pick up area is in front of the school building. Please do not drop off or pick up your child on any other area of the property.
- DO NOT PARK AND GET OUT OF YOUR VEHICLE DURING ARRIVAL AND DISMISSAL. Patrols and staff will supervise your child to class and oversee children getting to cars at the end of the day.
- If you arrive after the patrol has left the area, you MUST park in a marked parking space and walk your child into the office to be signed in. Your child will be escorted to class by a staff member. Do not just drop off your child and tell him/her to go directly to class.
- If you arrive after the patrol has left the area, you MUST park in a marked parking space and walk your child into the office to be signed in. Your child will be escorted to class by a staff member. Please do not just drop off your child and tell him/her to go directly to class.
- Parents may not arrive earlier than 10 minutes before dismissal (3:00p.m. for K-6). Those families who have students at the Legacy building as well as the Hope building should not arrive to pickup 7-12 students until 2:55, then can drive around to pick up K-6 children. Please do not arrive early and park in the turn lane on East Crown Point Road, as this is not only a traffic violation, but also a safety hazard.
- Please do NOT “park” in car circle or in the driveway in front of the Hope building. Cars in car circle must have a driver in the car at all times. If you are going to the office or classroom for any reason, you must park in a lined parking space. There are spaces for 10 minute parking.
- If you arrive in the morning after 8:29, you must park in a lined parking space and walk with your child into the school office to check him or her in.
- PLEASE NOTE: If your student is a bus rider and you are picking them up, you need to email or call the Hope Office by 12:00 noon that day or else your child will be put on the bus.
- With the PikMyKid school dismissal system, the afternoon carcircle usually ends by 3:25p.m. If you arrive after the patrol has left the area, you must park in a marked parking space and walk into the school office to get your child.
- If your child is not picked up by 3:30p.m., you will be charged $1.00 per minute late fee.
- PLEASE NOTE: If someone other than a parent is to pick up a child from school, we must have the name(s) in writing and on file. WE WILL NOT RELEASE YOUR CHILD TO ANYONE UNLESS THAT PERSON’S NAME IS ON FILE AND HE/SHE HAS PHOTO IDENTIFICATION.
If you need to pick up your child before dismissal, please arrive before 2:15 to complete the sign-out process. Our office staff needs to be alert to the needs of car circle and will not be able to focus on releasing your child to you.
If you need to speak with your child’s teacher, we ask that you schedule an appointment. Arrival and dismissal times require the teacher’s total attention to be on the class. Neither time is appropriate for communicating with the teacher verbally. If you need to communicate something, please send a note with your child, email the teacher or call the office to leave a message.
PLEASE NOTE: If someone other than a parent/guardian is to pick up a child from school, we must have the name(s) in writing and on file. WE WILL NOT RELEASE YOUR CHILD TO ANYONE UNLESS THAT PERSON’S NAME IS ON FILE AND HE/SHE HAS PHOTO IDENTIFICATION.
Blatant disregard of rules and/or acting belligerently toward staff will not be tolerated and may result in being banned from coming on school property
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