Hope Charter School & Legacy High School Uniforms
We are pleased to announce our partnership with Ibiley School Uniforms for the 2024-2025 school year.
They are the official supplier for Hope Charter School and Legacy Charter High School uniforms.
Students are required to purchase their tops and bottoms (shorts, skirts, slacks and PE shorts) through Ibiley.
There are a few changes to the 7th-12th grade dress code and we wanted to make you aware of them so that you can plan for the start of the 2024 school year.
T-Shirts/Polos/Long Sleeve Shirts/Sweatshirts/Jackets Changes
7th & 8th grade - middle school students will be able to wear their burgundy and navy Hope uniform shirts. They will also be permitted to wear Hope/Legacy issued middle school navy or gray sports or athletic shirts for sports that they play.
9th-12th grade - High school students are permitted to wear a navy or gray uniform shirt. They are also permitted to wear a navy or gray school shirt (for example: sport or athletic shirt) as long as it is a Legacy issued shirt and says Legacy or has our school logo on it.
All grades - long sleeve shirts, sweatshirts, and jackets are to follow these same guidelines.
School athletic, sport, club, and field trip shirts/sweatshirts/jackets will only be worn on Monday-Thursday if they are navy or gray. All other colors can only be worn on Fridays.
Friday Shirt
7th - 12th grade - on Fridays students will be allowed to wear their Hope/Legacy school shirts that are a different color than burgundy, navy, or gray. For example: white team sport shirts will only be permitted on Fridays.
Shorts/Pants/Skirts Changes
7th-12th grade - students will have 3 colors options for pants, shorts, and shirts to choose from. These 3 colors are Khaki, Navy, and Black. Gray will no longer be an option because there are too many variations of gray. All pants should be a solid color and meet the handbook guidelines.
Short length will be no shorter than 3 inches above the knee (a standard post it note size). Students grow from year to year and may need new shorts. The inseam on shorts may need to be 7-10 inches. Searching men’s or women’s uniform shorts on Amazon or any department store will provide viable options.
The other dress code policies will remain the same, including hoodies and crocs not being part of the Legacy uniform. You can find these additional policies in the 2023 - 2024 student handbook.
Hope Charter School Uniform Information
Hope Charter School Uniforms (K-8th) - Welcome Letter
Uniform Registration Here
Coupon - Expired
Need help registering? Click Here
Legacy High School School Uniform Information
Legacy High School Uniforms (9th-12th) - Welcome Letter
Uniform Registration Here
Coupon - Expired
Need help registering? Click Here
LHS only 9th-12th Rally Jacket
Payment is due when placing the order.
Uniform Q & A
Q: What if I already ordered from Creative Solutions?
A: Yes, you can wear those.
Q: The uniforms that I have still fit, or I already went out and purchased bottoms from (Old Navy, Target, Walmart, etc...) Do we have to purchase all new?
A: No, as long as they follow the Hope and Legacy handbook dress code guidelines in style, and fit. Please visit www.hopecharter.org to view Hope and Legacy school handbooks.
K-6th HOPE Handbook:
NOTE: ∙ NO Camping shorts ∙ NO Surfer or skateboarding shorts ∙ NO Pocket flaps on front of thighs ∙ NO Jeans or denims of any color ∙ NO Stretch pants ∙ NO Corduroy ∙ NO Skin-tight pants ∙ NO “Hoodies” ∙ NO Spandex or form-fitting Pants ∙ NO Flair or bell-bottoms ∙ NO Capris for elementary grades ∙ NO shorts or skorts shorter than mid-thigh ∙ NO cut-offs ∙ Skirts or jumpers must be touching the top of the knee ∙ Sweaters or fleeces should not be longer than shorts.
7th-12th Handbook:
∙NO shorts or skorts shorter than mid-thigh for P.E. shorts. ∙ Uniform shorts should be no shorter than 2 inches above the knee. They may be longer than that. ∙ NO long-sleeved shirt may be worn under a short-sleeved shirt ∙ Skirts must be touching the top of the knee ∙ Shorts either P.E. or uniform, will not be NO Surfer or skateboarding shorts ∙ NO Pocket flaps on front of thighs ∙ NO Jeans or denims of any color* ∙ NO Stretch pants ∙ NO “Hoodies” ∙ Sweaters will not be longer than shorts. ∙ NO Spandex or form-fitting pants rolled up.
Q: Do I have to purchase the bottoms from the new company?
A: You do not have to purchase your bottoms from the company if they look like and follow the above Hope and Legacy School dress code guidelines. Of course tops will need to be purchased through the new company if you need new ones.
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