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Homework Policy

Dear Parents:

Our sixth-grade students are expected to be more independent and to assume greater responsibility in their academic work. Therefore, our sixth-grade teachers have developed homework and classwork guidelines for their classes, as follows:

Sixth Grade Homework/Classwork Guidelines

Classwork that isn't finished in class becomes homework to be turned in the next day.

Homework that is one day late has 11 points deducted from the grade. (The highest possible grade on the assignment is 89%, i.e., a "B.")

Homework that is two days late has 21 points deducted from the grade. (The highest possible grade on the assignment is 79%, i.e., a "C.")

Homework that is three days late receives a zero. However, the assignment must still be completed.

For projects that represent a significant point value, parents will be notified if a student has not met interim target dates and/or the due date.

After missing two homework assignments within a week, the teacher will send out an email to the parents concerning the missing work.

If missing homework assignments becomes a pattern, the student will be required to attend Homework Group after school, Monday through Thursday.

We reiterate the importance of checking ProgressBook to keep up with your child’s progress. Teachers will update ProgressBook weekly, and comments will be written next to assignments, indicating if an assignment is missing or late. It is also important to frequently visit teacher websites, located at hopecharter.org, to stay informed as to what is happening in the classrooms. Assignments, tests, and quiz dates are all posted on teacher websites weekly. Also, please don't forget to check your child’s backpack and planner. If there is a half-finished or blank worksheet or homework paper, please assume it needs to be completed and turned in.

We also urge you to sign up for parent alerts on ProgressBook if you haven't already done so. Simply open up ProgressBook, click on "Student" and then "My Account." Next, click on "Manage Alerts," and then check the alerts for "Missing Assignment" and "Low Assignment Marks." You'll then enter the email addresses that should receive the alerts. That's all there is to it.

As stated in our Parent/Student Handbook: “When the student is absent, he/she is responsible for obtaining any assignments missed from the teacher(s) upon return to school. The student will then have the same number of days to complete the homework as the number of days he/she missed. For example, if the student is absent for 3 days, he/she will have 3 days after returning to make up missed homework. The teacher is not responsible for tracking down the assignments; rather, the student is responsible for turning it in. Classwork or homework will not be given in advance for planned absences for family vacations or activities.”

If you are planning to take a vacation during school attendance days, please make sure all previously assigned work is turned in, even if the due date is during your vacation. Days taken that are not scheduled school vacation days are unexcused.

Thank you for your ongoing support and cooperation as we collaborate in your child’s academic success.

Allen Quain
Principal, K - 6
Hope Charter School

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