Sherri Holland
Kindergarten Teacher
About Me
My name is Sherri Holland and I have been teaching at Hope Charter School since 2007. I have a BS in Elementary Education from Indiana University of PA. I previously taught Kindergarten in MD for 5 years before having my own children. I was away from teaching for a few years while raising my kids. My oldest is Alec, he graduated from UCF. I also have Parker who graduated from FGCU. Abigail will graduate this year from USF. I am married to Marc and we met during our college lives while working at TCBY! He is currently a realtor working at Clock Tower Realty in Winter Garden. I love teaching Kindergarten because at this age, they just enjoy everything I say and do. I feel like I can get them off to a great start in their school career!!
Bring Water Bottle Everyday
Include place mat and napkin with their healthy lunch/snack each day
Notes for teacher can be emailed via Classtag, written in planner, or sent in folders
Please sign your student's planner every night. Their homework is all on Seesaw!
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