Hope Charter & Legacy High Board Meeting Schedules
The list of meetings for both Board of Trustees can be found here: Board Meetings
All board meetings are held in the Executive Board Room in the Leadership Center. Hope's meetings begin at 6:00 p.m. Legacy's meetings begin at 6:30 p.m.
The Protocol for the board meetings can be found here: Hope Charter School or Legacy Charter High School
If you wish to speak at a board meeting, please complete the Comment Form and turn it in at least one week in advance (for 10 minutes speaking time) or bring it to the meeting (for 3 minutes speaking time). If the school is closed when you complete the form, you should drop it in the mailbox located outside the main office doors of the Hope building, or scan and email it to office@hopecharter.org. There is no "grace period" to turn in the form if the office is closed.
(If a board meeting needs to be changed, added or canceled, the notice will be listed below.)
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