Wish List

Thanks for all of your donations so far.  ☺ We appreciate them SO much.

We very much depend on your help with classroom donations throughout the year. We appreciate all that you do ! 

We have 1 and 1/2 cases of water left as of October 9th. We will need a case or 2 next week.

You can save your receipts for donations to count towards your Community Volunteer Hours. This is for ANY items purchased for the classroom (snacks, toys, plastic silverware, toys for the Treasure Box, napkins, hand/face wipes, etc.). Forms are located in the front office. $10 in purchases = 1 volunteer hour.

You can also donate food items to local food banks and homeless shelters. Get a receipt from them. $10 of food donations = 1 parent volunteer hour.

Some of the items we use the MOST are: Bottled water, baby wipes/hand & face wipes, plastic SPOONS, sandwich-sized Zip Lock baggies, plain napkins, and large paper plates.

We also use the SMALL, Mini- bags of popcorn (100 calorie, individual size bags) as a behavior treat.

Thanks again for helping to make this an awesome school year !!

Holly Birko

1st Grade Teacher

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