
WELCOME to a totally NEW and different school year!

Please  DO  check your student's planner each night, to be sure they are completing ALL of their homework. A  PARENT / ADULT needs to sign the planner every night, in the small box on the right side.

MATH homework will be given usually every night, Monday-Thursday. We will write changes occasionally, and write daily homework on each day's date in the planners. Check for "Re-dos". If the student missed too may problems, we will send a paper home for you to assist them in the evening.

SPELLING:  Study spelling words nightly. Tests will be given on Friday mornings(usually).

READING: Reading homework is done nightly. Check the "Homework" sheet that will go home in your students' binder to see the nightly Reading assignments. The READING homework changes at times. For OCTOBER, we will do 20 min. of I-Ready.comon Tues. and Thurs.. On Monday and Wednesday nights, the students read a small book to someone, then write 3 sentences.  PLEASE MARK & SIGN THE READING LOG EVERY NIGHT, so we know your student is keeping up with the reading homework.

"Corrections for a better grade" and "Fixes" will go home for the first part of the school year. Please check your students' papers to be sure they understood the directions and concepts. These are important, as many go on your child's report card. Be sure they finish the "re do's", "fixes", and "finishes" right away, and turn them in the following day.

THANK  YOU SO MUCH for working with your students in the homework area, as your support shows them the importance of a good education. We appreciate you !

Holly Birko

1st Grade Teacher

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