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Federalist (or no party affiliation)

1st vice President:          John Adams
2nd Vice President:        John Adams

1st Runner-Up:      John  Adams
2nd Runner-Up:     John Adams


1st Secretary of State:      Thomas Jefferson
1st Secretary of the Treasury:     Alexander Hamilton
1st Secretary of War:       Henry Knox
1st Attorney-General:      Edmund Randolph


Virginia House of Burgesses
militia officer
Continental Congress
Army general
Constitutional Convention (President)


Whiskey Rebellion
          Farmers resisted the excise tax by force
          Washington led 5,000 troops to put down the rebellion
          Leaders tried for treason, sentenced to death,
          Washington pardoned them
          Proved the power of the federal government to enforce laws

Jay Treaty
          British agreed to leave western forts (already promised in Treaty of Paris of 1783)
          Nothing gained by US
          Prevented war with Britain      

Pinckney Treaty
          Spain gave US Right of Deposit in New Orleans
          Open west to increased settlement

Neutrality Proclamation

Bill of Rights Added to Constitution

Cotton gin invented

Farewell Address
          1.  Avoid entangling Alliances
          2.  Warning against political parties (factions)       

Hamilton’s Economic Program
          1. Redeem war bonds at full face value
          2. Assume state war debts
          3. Honor pre-war foreign debts
          4. Bank of the United State
          5. Excise taxes

Two-term tradition established

Cabinet System established


Excise tax – tax on goods made inside the country

Right of Deposit – sending good through duty free

implied powers

Judicial review v. states’ rights (nullification)

Strict v. loose construction (interpretation)



Unwritten constitution
          Two-term tradition
          Seniority system
          Cabinet system

Gerrymandering – drawing election district boundaries in unusual shapes to benefit one party over the other

Impressment – forced draft into military service

Excise tax – a tax (indirect) on goods made inside the country 

Precedent – an example followed by those that come after   

JOHN ADAMS (1797-1801)

Vice-President:     Thomas Jefferson

Runner-Up:           Thomas Jefferson

Last Secretary of State:          John Marshall


Jobs:          Massachusetts Colonial Legislature

                   Continental Congress

                   Commissioner to France

                   Massachusetts Constitutional Convention

                   Peace Commissioner to France

                   Minister to the Court of St. James (England)



Events:        X-Y-Z Affair

                   Navy Department created

                   Alien and Sedition Acts

                   Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions

                   Undeclared Naval War with France

                   Midnight judges appointed

                   Capital moved to Washington, D.C.


Terms:         Revolution of 1800

                   States’ Rights Theory of Government

















Vice-President (1st term):          Aaron Burr

                       (2nd term):         George Clinton


Runner-Up (1st term):               Aaron Burr

                   (2nd term):              Charles Pinckney


Secretary of State:                     James Madison


Jobs:           Virginia House of Burgesses

                   Continental Congress

                   Virginia House of Delegates

                   Governor of Virginia

                   minister to France

                   Secretary of State (under Washington)

                   Vice-President (under John Adams)


                   1st Rector (and founder), University of Virginia


Events:        Marbury v. Madison

                   Judicial Review established

                   Louisiana Purchase

                   Lewis and Clark Expedition

                   Tripoli War

                   12th Amendment

                   Embargo Act


Terms:         Orders in Council

Judicial Review


                   Revolution of 1800








JAMES MADISON (1809-1817)



Vice-President (1st term):          George Clinton    

                       (2nd term):         Elbridge Gerry     


Runner-Up (1st term):               Charles Pinckney

                   (2nd term):              DeWitt Clinton


Secretary of State:                     James Monroe


Secretary of War (War of 1812):        James Monroe

          (while serving as Secretary of State)


Jobs:           Orange County (Virginia) Committee of Safety

                   Virginia Legislative Assembly

                   Virginia Governor’s Council

                   Continental Congress

                   Virginia Assembly

                   Constitutional Convention

                   U.S. House of Representatives

                   Secretary of State

                   Rector, University of Virginia

                   Virginia Constitutional Convention (1829)


Events:        Non-Intercourse Act

                   Macon’s Bill #2

                   Orders in Council repealed

                   War of 1812

                   National Anthem (Star Spangled Banner) written

                   White House burned by British

                   Treaty of Ghent

                   Hartford Convention

                   Battle of New Orleans

                   2nd Bank of the United States established (1816)


Terms:         War Hawks

                   Mr. Madison’s War

                   American System


JAMES MONROE  (1817-1825)



Vice-President (1st term):          Daniel Tompkins

                       (2nd term):         Daniel Tompkins 


Runner-Up (1st term):               Rufus King

                   (2nd term):              John Quincy Adams


Secretary of State:                     John Quincy Adams

Secretary of the Treasury:         William Crawford

Secretary of War:                      John Calhoun


Jobs:           army officer

                   Virginia Assembly

                   Congress of the Confederation

                   Virginia Ratification Convention (Constitution)

                   U.S. Senate

                   Minister to France

                   Governor of Virginia

                   Louisiana Purchase Commissioner

                   Minister to the Court of St. James

                   Virginia Legislature

                   Governor of Virginia

                   Secretary of State

                   Secretary of War (while serving as Secretary of State)


Regent, University of Virginia

                   President, Virginia Constitutional Convention (1829)


Events:        Missouri Compromise (Compromise of 1820)

                   1. Missouri enters Union as a slave state

                   2. Maine enters Union as a free state

                   3. Remainder of Louisiana Purchase lands divided into free

                   and slave areas along the 36-30 line of latitude








Monroe Doctrine

                   1. No new colonies in this hemisphere        

                   2. Existing colonies may remain

                   3. No European interference in American affairs

                   4. No American interference in European affairs


                   Seminole War

                   Adams-Onis Treaty

                   Florida Purchased from Spain

                   Rush-Bagot Treaty

                   Convention of 1818


Terms:         American System

                   Era of Good Feelings


























National Republican


Vice-President:      John C. Calhoun           


Runner-Up:          Andrew Jackson (in U.S. House of Representatives)


Secretary of State:           Henry Clay

Secretary of Treasury:     Richard Rush                


Jobs:           Private Secretary to the Minister to Russia

                   Minister to the Netherlands

                   Minister to Portugal

                   Minister to Prussia

                   Massachusetts Senate

                   U.S. Senate

                   Minister to Russia

                   Peace Commissioner, Treaty of Ghent

                   Minister to the Court of St. James  (England)

                   Secretary of State


                   U.S. House of Representatives


Events:        Democratic-Republican Party split into two new parties

                   Democratic Party formed

                   National Republican Party formed

                   Tariff of Abominations  (Tariff of 1828)


Terms:         Corrupt Bargain

                   Old Man Eloquent











ANDREW JACKSON  (1829-1837)



Vice-President  (1st term):                   John C. Calhoun

Vice-President  (2nd term):                  Martin Van Buren


Runner-Up  (1st term):              John Quincy Adams

Runner-Up  (2nd term):             Henry Clay


1st Secretary of State:                Martin Van Buren

1st Secretary of War:                 John Eaton


Jobs:           Solicitor (Attorney-General) for Cumberland Court

                             (area nor forming Tennessee)

                   Tennessee Constitutional Convention

                   U.S. House of Representatives

                   U.S. Senate

                   Justice, Tennessee Supreme Court

                   Army general

                    Provisional Governor of the Florida Territory

                   U.S. Senate


Events:        Eaton Affair  (entire cabinet resigns)

                   Nullification Crisis

                   Force Bill

                   Compromise of 1833  (Tariff of 1833)

                   Webster-Hayne Debate

                   Whig Party formed

                   Bank of the United States killed  (Bank War)

                   Indian Removal  (Trail of Tears)

                   French “Spoilation” payments

                   Specie Circular


Terms:         Spoils System

                   Kitchen Cabinet






MARTIN VAN BUREN  (1837-1841)



Vice-President:               Richard Mentor Johnson  (chosen by U.S. Senate)


Runner-Up:                    William Henry Harrison


Jobs:           New York Senate

                   New York Attorney-General

                   U.S. Senate

                   Governor of New York

                   Secretary of State



Events:        Panic of 1837

                   Independent Treasury System established

                   Seminole War

                   “Aroostook War”

                   Maine-Canada border dispute settled


Terms:         “Fox of Kinderhook”

                   “Little Magician”

                   “Sly Fox of Kinderhook”

                   Free Soil Party

                   Texas Annexation Issue  (opposed)            




                   Whig Platform of the 1840’s:

                   1.  Bank of the United States

                   2.  Protective Tariffs

                   3.  Internal Improvements at Federal Expense












Vice-President:               John Tyler


Runner-Up:                    Martin Van Buren


Secretary of State:           Daniel Webster


Jobs:           army officer

                   Secretary of the Northwest Territory

                   Delegate to Congress from the Northwest Territory

                   Governor of the Indiana Territory

                   Army general

                   U.S. House of Representatives

                   Ohio Senate

                   U.S. Senate

                   Minister to Colombia


Events:        Caroline Affair


Terms:         “Old Tippecanoe”

                   “Tippecanoe and Tyler Too!”  

                   Log Cabin Campaign

                   Log Cabin and Hard Cider



















Vice-President:               none


Runner-Up:                    none 


Secretary of State:           Daniel Webster


Jobs:           Virginia House of Delegates

                   Army officer (militia)

                   U.S. House of Representatives

                   Chancellor of the College of William and Mary

                   Governor of Virginia

                   U.S. Senate



                   Confederate Provisional Congress

                   Member-elect, Confederate House of Representatives


Events:        Webster-Ashburton Treaty

                   Pre-Emption Act

                   China Treaty

                   Bank Bill Veto

                   Texas Annexation Resolution


                   Whig Platform of the 1840s:

                   1. Bank of the United States

                   2. Protective Tariffs

                   3. Internal Improvements at Federal Expense











JAMES KNOX POLK  (1845-1849)



Vice-President:               George M. Dallas


Runner-Up:                    Henry Clay


Secretary of State:                     James Buchanan

Secretary of the Treasury:         Robert J. Walker

Secretary of War:                      William Marcy


Jobs:           Chief Clerk of the Tennessee Senate

                   Tennessee House of Representatives

                   U.S. House of Representatives

                   Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives

                   Governor of Tennessee


Events:        Walker Tariff

                   Independent Treasury System re-established

                   Oregon Treaty of 1846

                   Mexican War

                   Mexican Cession

                   Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo

                   Naval Academy established

                   Polk Doctrine


Terms:         dark horse

                   Manifest Destiny

                   “54-40 or Fight!”

                   “All of Texas, All of Oregon”

                   “Young Hickory”










ZACHARY TAYLOR  (1849-1850)



Vice-President:               Millard Fillmore


Runner-Up:                    Lewis Cass


Secretary of State:           John M. Clayton




Jobs:           army general




Events:        Clayton-Bulwer Treaty

                   Slavery debates

                   California Gold Rush


Terms:         Free Soil Party
























Vice-President:      none


Runner-Up:          none


Secretary of State:           Daniel Webster


Jobs:           New York House of Representatives

                   U.S. House of Representatives

                   Chairman, House Ways and Means Committee 

(U.S. House of Representatives)

                   Chancellor, University of Buffalo

                   Comptroller of New York



Events:        Compromise of 1850:

                   1.  California enters Union as a free state     

                   2.  slave trade abolished in Washington, D.C.

3.  Utah Territory organized under principle of popular      


                   4.  New Mexico Territory organized under principle of  

                             popular sovereignty

                   5.  stronger fugitive slave law passed


                   Commodore Perry sent to Japan

                   Postal rate reduced from 5 cents to 3 cents

                   Uncle Tom’s Cabin Published


Terms:         Know-Nothing Party (American Party) formed










FRANKLIN PIERCE  (1853-1857)



Vice-President:      William King  (inaugurated in Havana, Cuba)


Runner-Up:          Winfield Scott


Secretary of State:           William Marcy

Secretary of War:            Jefferson Davis


Jobs:           New Hampshire House of Representatives

                   Speaker, New Hampshire House of Representatives

                   U.S. House of Representatives

                   U.S. Senate

                   Army general


Events:        Kansas-Nebraska Act

                   “Bleeding Kansas”

                   Japan Treaty

                   Gadsden Purchase

                   Ostend Manifesto

                   Republican Party formed


Terms:         popular sovereignty


                   Republican Party Platform:

                   1. Protect slavery where it already existed

                   2. No further spread of slavery into territories

                   3. Protective tariffs

                   4. internal improvements at federal expense

                   (combination of Free Soil platform on slavery and Whig         

                    position on economics)


                   Ripon, Wisconsin/Ripon Society







JAMES BUCHANAN  (1857-1861)



Vice-President:      John C. Breckinridge


Runner-Up:          John C. Fremont


Secretary of State:           Lewis Cass

last Attorney-General:     Edwin Stanton              


Jobs:           Pennsylvania legislature

                   U.S. House of Representatives

                   minister to Russia

                   U.S. Senate

                   Secretary of State

                   Minister to the Court of St. James (England)


Events:        Dred Scott Decision

                   Lincoln-Douglas Debates

                   Freeport Doctrine

                   John  Brown’s raid of Harper’s Ferry

                   Southern states secede from the Union

                   Confederate States of America organized


















ABRAHAM LINCOLN  (1861-1865)



Vice-President  (1st term):         Hannibal Hamlin

                        (2nd term):        Andrew Johnson


Runner-Up (1st term):               John C. Breckinridge (electoral vote)

                                                Stephen Douglas (popular vote)

                   (2nd term):              George B. McClellan


Secretary of State:                     William H. Seward

Secretary of the Treasury:         Salmon P. Chase

Secretary of War:                      Edwin Stanton


Jobs:           army officer (militia)


                   deputy surveyor

                   Illinois legislature

                   U.S. House of Representatives


Events:        Civil War

                   Trent Affair

                   suspension of habeas corpus

                   Emancipation Proclamation

                   Gettysburg Address                           

                   1st federal paper money

                   transcontinental telegraph completed

                   free mail delivery in major cities begins

                   Homestead Act (free land for settlers)

                   Morrill Land Grant Act


Terms:         National Union Party

                   Radical Republicans










Anaconda Plan


Emancipation Proclamation (purpose)

Advantages and Disadvantages of the North and South

Total War  (Total Warfare)

Foreign policy of the North and South

Leaders of the North and South


Economies of the North and South

Last old-fashioned war/first modern war

Technological advances in the war




























ANDREW JOHNSON  (1865-1869)

          National Union


Vice-President:      none


Runner-Up:          none


Secretary of State:           William Seward

1st Secretary of War:       Edwin Stanton


Jobs:           Greenville, Tennessee city alderman (city council)

                   Mayor of Greenville, Tennessee

                   Tennessee House of Representatives

                   Tennessee Senate

                   U.S. House of Representatives

                   Governor of Tennessee

                   U.S. Senate

                   army general

                   Military Governor of Tennessee



Events:        Alaska Purchase

                    Tenure of Office Act

                   Impeachment of the President

                   13th Amendment ends slavery in U.S.

                   Civil Rights Act

                   Reconstruction Acts

                   Freedmen’s Bureau established

                   1st practical typewriter

                   1st refrigerated railroad car


Terms:         Seward’s Folly

                   National Union Party

                   Radical Republicans







ULYSSES S. GRANT  (1869-1877)



Vice-President (1st term):          Schuyler Colfax

                      (2nd term):          Henry Wilson


Runner-Up (1st term):               Horatio Seymour

                                                Horace Greeley (popular vote)


Jobs:           army general

                   Interim Secretary of War


Events:        transcontinental railroad completed

                   1st national park created (Yellowstone)

                   Treaty of Washington  (Civil War claims)

                   Force Bills  (anti-Ku Klux Klan)

                   Black Friday



                   1.  Credit Mobilier

                   2.  Whiskey Ring

                   3.  Trading Post Scandals

                   4. many others


                   Panic of 1873

                   Custer defeated at Little Big Horn

                   Electoral Commission of 1877

                   Telephone invented

                   Barbed wire invented


Terms:         carpetbaggers




                   Roscoe Conkling

                   “Disputed Election”








Vice-President:      William Wheeler


Runner-Up:          Samuel J. Tilden


Jobs:           city solicitor of Cincinnati

                   Army general

                   U.S. House of Representatives

                   Governor of Ohio


Events:        Reconstruction ended

                   Federal troops removed from South

                   Bland-Allison Act (passed over veto)

                   Phonograph invented

                   Electric streetlights used for first time

                   Railroad Strike of 1877


Terms:         civil service reform

                   Stalwarts v. half-breeds (fired Arthur)

                   “Disputed Election”

                   cheap v. sound money

                   free silver

















JAMES A. GARFIELD  (1881-1881)



Vice-President:      Chester A. Arthur


Runner-Up:          Winfield Scott Hancock


Secretary of State:           James G. Blaine

Secretary of War:            Robert Todd Lincoln


Jobs:           President of Hiram College

                   army general

                   Ohio Senate

                   U.S. House of Representatives

                   Chairman, U.S. House Appropriations Committee

                   U.S. Senator-elect (never took his seat)


Events:        railroad reach Texas, end cattle drives

                   Mail route frauds discovered


Terms:         stalwarts v. half-breeds




















CHESTER A. ARTHUR  (1881-1885)



Vice-President:      none


Runner-Up:          none


Secretary of the Treasury:         Charles Folger

Secretary of War:                      Robert Todd Lincoln


Jobs:           army general  (New York engineer-in-chief)

                                      (Inspector-General of Militia)

                                      (Quartermaster General of Militia)

                   Collector of the Port of New York

                   Chairman, New York Republican State Committee



Events:        Pendleton Civil Service Act                        

                   Star Route Frauds prosecuted

                   Edmunds Anti-Polygamy Act of 1882

                   first skyscraper built

                   Brooklyn Bridge built

                   Linotype invented

                   Standard time zones adopted by railroads


                   1882 New York Governor’s race:     

                   Arthur’s attempt to gain control of New York

                   Republican Party by getting his Secretary of the

                   Treasury elected governor.  Attempt failed, and he lost

                   The nomination for President.


Terms:         civil service system









GROVER CLEVELAND  (1885-1889; 1893-1897)



Vice-President (1st term):          Thomas Hendricks

                       (2nd term):         Adlai Stevenson


Runner-Up (1st term):               James G. Blaine

                   (2nd term):              Benjamin Harrison


Jobs:           Assistant District Attorney of Erie County

                   Sheriff of Erie County

                   Mayor of Buffalo

                   Governor of New York


Events:        Interstate Commerce Act of 1887

                   Interstate Commerce Commission created

                   First independent regulatory agency


                   Statue of Liberty dedicated

                   Presidential Succession Act of 1886

                   Dependent Pension Bill vetoed                                      


Panic of 1893 (ended by repeal of Sherman Silver Purchase    



                   Labor unrest

                   “Coxey’s Army”

                   Pullman Strike (broken by federal troops)

                   Laissez-faire economics


Terms:         mugwump

                   Populist Party

                   The Grange

                   Knights of Labor

                   Farmers’ Alliances

                   Gold standard

                   Non-consecutive terms







Vice-President:      Levi P. Morton


Runner-Up:          Grover Cleveland


Secretary of State:           James G. Blaine


Jobs:           City Attorney of Indianapolis

                   Secretary, Indiana Republican State Central Committee

                   Reporter of the Indiana State Supreme Court                 

                   army general

                   Mississippi River Commission

                   U.S. Senate


Events:        Sherman Anti-Trust Act

                   Sherman Silver Purchase Act

                   Dependent Pension Bill

                   McKinley Tariff

                   Two-ocean navy

                   1st International Conference of Latin American States     

                             (Pan American Conference)

                   Basketball invented


Terms:         “Little Ben”



















Vice-President (1st term):                    Garrett A. Hobart

                            (2nd term):    Theodore Roosevelt


Runner-Up (1st term):              William Jennings Bryan

                     (2nd term):                       William Jennings Bryan


Secretary of State:                              John M. Hay

Secretary of War:                                Elihu Root

Asst. Secretary of the Navy:   Theodore Roosevelt   


Jobs:                army officer

                        Prosecuting attorney, Starke County, Ohio

                        U.S. House of Representatives

                        Governor of Ohio


Events:            U.S.S. Maine sunk


Spanish American War

                        1. Guam added to U.S.

                        2. the Philippines added to U.S.

                        3. Puerto Rico added to U.S.


                        Hawaii annexed

                        Open Door Notes/Open Door Policy

                        Insular Cases

                        Klondike Gold Rush

                        American Baseball League organized

                                    (not recognized as major league until 1903)


Terms: Sphere of Influence



                        Populist Party Platform:

                        1. direct election of U.S. senators

                        2. graduated income tax

                        3. 8 hour work day

                        4. more silver coinage

                        5. secret ballot

                        6. child labor laws


                        front porch campaign





Vice-President (1st term):          none

                       (2nd term):         Charles Fairbanks


Runner-Up (1st term):               none

                   (2nd term):              Alton Parker


1st Secretary of State:      John Hay

2nd Secretary of State:      Elihu Root

1st Secretary of War:       Elihu Root

2nd Secretary of War:       William Howard Taft


Jobs:           New York state assembly

                   Minority leader, New York state assembly

                   Civil Service Commission

                   President, Board of Police Commissioners, New York

                   Assistant Secretary of the Navy

                   Army officer

                   Governor of New York



Events:        Northern Securities Case

                   Roosevelt Corollary

                   Panama Canal Zone obtained

                   Panama Canal begun

                   U.S. Forest Service begun

                   Reclamation Act of 1902

                   Elkins Act of 1903 (railroad regulation)

                   Hepburn Railway Rate Act of 1906

                   Meat Inspection Act

                   Pure Food and Drug Act

                   Food and Drug Administration established

                   Panic of 1907

                   Treaty of Portsmouth

                   Nobel Peace Prize

                   Great White Fleet sails around the world

                   1st airplane flight

                   1st wireless telegraph


terms:          trusts

                   “trust buster”

                   “Big Stick” policy

                   “Square Deal”

                   “Bull Moose” Party

                   “Progressive Party”

                   “Walk Softly and Carry a Big Stick”

                   youngest president

                   Hong Kong



































Vice-President:               James S. Sherman


Runner-Up:                    William Jennings Bryan


1st Secretary of the Interior:       Richard A. Ballinger


Jobs:           Hamilton County Assistant Prosecuting Attorney

                   Collector of Internal Revenue (1st District)

                   Hamilton County Assistant Solicitor

                   Cincinnati Superior Court Judge

                   Solicitor General of the United States

                   Federal Circuit Court of Appeals Judge (6th Circuit)

                   Dean, University of Cincinnati Law School

                   Governor of the Philippines

                   Chief Justice of the United States (after Presdiency)


Events:        “Czar” Cannon dispute

                   Payne-Aldrich Act

                   Pinchot case

                   Pinchot-Ballinger dispute

                   Tariff Board established

                   Federal Children’s Bureau established

                   Dollar Diplomacy

                   16th Amendment  (Income Tax)

                   Mann-Elkins Act of 1910


Terms:         Bull Moose campaign

                   Progressive Party










WOODROW WILSON  (1913-1921)



Vice-President (1st term):                    Thomas R. Marshall

                            (2nd term):    Thomas R. Marshall


Runner-Up (1st term):              Theodore Roosevelt

                                                            Charles Evans Hughes


1st Secretary of State:              William Jennings Bryan


Jobs:                University President (Princeton University)

                        Governor of New Jersey


Events:            1st regular presidential press conference

                        Underwood Tariff

                        Federal Reserve Act

                        Federal Reserve System established

                        Federal Reserve Board established

                        Federal Trade Commission established

                        Clayton Anti-Trust Act

                        Adamson Act (8 hour work day for RR workers)

                        Child Labor Act

                        Jones Bill (greater self-government for Philippines)

                        American troops occupy Vera Cruz

                        Pershing and troops sent into Mexico to stop Pancho Villa

                        Nicaragua occupied by U.S. forces

                        World War I


                        14 Points issued:

                        1. freedom of the seas

                        2. an end to secret treaties

                        3. self-determination for Europe

                        4. establishing a League of Nations   


                        Versailles Treaty

                        Nobel Peace Prize (for League of Nations)

                        Panama Canal opened

                        Transcontinental phone line completed

                        First airmail routes

                        First commercial radio stations

                        Virgin Islands purchased


                        17th Amendment:  election of senators

                        18th Amendment:  prohibition

                        19th Amendment:  women’s suffrage

                        WARREN G. HARDING  (1921-1923)



Vice-President:      Calvin Coolidge


Runner-Up:          James M. Cox


Secretary of State:                     Charles Evans Hughes

Secretary of the Treasury:         Andrew W. Mellon

Attorney-General:                     Harry Daugherty

Secretary of the Interior:           Albert Fall

Secretary of Commerce:           Herbert Hoover


Jobs:           Ohio Senate

                   Lieutenant Governor of Ohio

                   U.S. Senator


Events:        Peace treaty with Germany ending WWI

                   Peace treaty with Austria ending WWI

                   Emergency Tariff of 1921

                   Fordney-McCumber Tariff

                   Revenue Act of 1921


                   Washington Naval Conference

                   Washington Naval Arms Treaty

                   1. 5 Power Treaty (5::5::3::1.75::1.75)                 

                   2. Nine Power Treaty



                   1. Teapot Dome

                   2. Justice Department

                   3. Veterans Bureau


                   Tomb of the Unknown Soldier dedicated

                   Lincoln Memorial dedicated


Terms:         “Return to Normalcy”

                   “smoke-filled room”

                   “the Ohio Gang”

                   front porch campaign

CALVIN COOLIDGE  (1923-1929)



Vice-President (1st term):          none

                       (2nd term):         Charles Dawes


Runner-Up (1st term):               none

                   (2nd term):              John W. Davis


1st Secretary of State:                Charles Evans Hughes

2nd Secretary of State:               Frank B. Kellogg

Secretary of the Treasury:         Andrew W. Mellon

2nd Secretary of Commerce:      Herbert Hoover


Jobs:           Northampton city council

                   Northampton city solicitor

                   Massachusetts House of Representatives

                   Mayor of Northampton

                   Massachusetts Senate

                   President, Massachusetts Senate

                   Lieutenant Governor of Massachusetts

                   Governor of Massachusetts



Events:        Veterans Bonus Bill (passed over veto)

                   Kellogg-Briand Pact

                   Dawes Plan

                   Revenue Act of 1926

                   1st talking movie

                   1st diesel locomotive in regular service

                   1st flight: North Pole

                   1st flight: South Pole

                   Charles Lindbergh flight across the Atlantic


Terms:         “Silent Cal”

                   “Keep Cool with Coolidge”

                   “The business of America is business”

                   “There is no right to strike against the public safety by

                             anybody, anywhere, any time.”


HERBERT HOOVER  (1929-1933)



Vice-President:               Charles Curtis


Runner-Up:                    Al Smith


Secretary of State:                     Henry Stimson

Secretary of the Treasury:         Andrew W. Mellon


Jobs:           Chief Engineer, Chinese Imperial Bureau of Mines

                   Head, Commission for Relief in Belgium

Administrator, United States Food Administration (U.S. Food


Secretary of Commerce

Chairman, Hoover Commission

(Chairman, Commission on Organization of the Executive

          Branch of Government)


Events:        Stock Market Crash

                   Great Depression

                   Bonus Army marches on Washington, D.C.

                   Reconstruction Finance Corporation created

                   Federal Farm Board established

                   Hawley-Smoot Tariff

                    20th Amendment  (lame duck)


Terms:         “Happy Warrior”

                   “A chicken in every pot, two cars in every garage”















Vice-President (1st term):                    John Nance Garner

                            (2nd term):    John Nance Garner

                            (3rd term):                Henry A. Wallace

                            (4th term):                Harry S. Truman


Runner-Up (1st term):              Herbert Hoover

                     (2nd term):                       Alfred M. Landon

                     (3rd term):                       Wendell Willkie

                     (4th term):                       Thomas Dewey          


Secretary of State:                              Cordell Hull

Secretary of War:                                Henry L. Stimson

1st Secretary of Agriculture:    Henry A. Wallace

last Secretary of Labor:                       Henry A. Wallace

Secretary of Labor:                 Frances Perkins


Jobs:                New York Senate

                        Assistant Secretary of the Navy

                        Governor of New York


Events:            Bank Holiday

                        100 Days

                        1. AAA

                        2. TVA

                        3. NIRA

                        New Deal




                        Social Security Act

                        God Neighbor Policy

                        Neutrality Acts


                        Cash and Carry

                        Arsenal of Democracy

                        Court Packing Plan

                        World War II

                        Pearl Harbor

                        Atlantic Charter

                        F.D.I.C. established

                        Yalta Conference



HARRY S. TRUMAN  (1945-1953)



Vice-President (1st term):          none

                       (2nd term):         Alben Barkley


Runner-Up (1st term):               none

                   (2nd term):              Thomas Dewey


Secretary of State (Cold War):            George C. Marshall        

Secretary of State (Korean War):        Dean Acheson

1st Secretary of Defense:                     George C.Marshall


Jobs:           army officer

                   county judge

                   presiding county judge

                   U.S. Senator



Events:        first use of atomic bomb

                   End of War World II

                   Marshall Plan


                   Fair Deal:   

                   1. expanded social security benefits

                   2. Fair Employment Practices Commission

                   3. aid to scientific research

                   4. power projects


                   United Nations organized

                   Cold War

                   Berlin Airlift

                   N.A.T.O. formed

                   Truman Doctrine

                   Korean Conflict began

                   Defense Department created

                   Philippines become independent nation

                   22nd Amendment (term limit for President)


terms:          contrainment of Communism




Vice-President (1st term):          Richard M. Nixon

                       (2nd term):         Richard M. Nixon


Runner-Up (1st term):               Adlai Stevenson

                   (2nd term):              Adlai Stevenson


1st Secretary of State:      John Foster Dulles


Jobs:           army general

                   University President  (Columbia University)


Events:        end of Korean Conflict

                   Julius and Ethel Rosenberg executed

                   “Atoms for Peace”

                   International Atomic Energy Agency created

                   S.E.A.T.O. organized

                   Brown v. Topeka Board of Education

                   1st atomic power plant begins operation

                   space age begins

                   first satellite launched

                   Suez Crisis (1956)

                   Polio vaccine developed

                   Eisenhower Doctrine

                   Department of H.E.W. created

                   U-2 incident


Terms:         “Modern Republicanism”











JOHN F. KENNEDY  (1961-1963)



Vice-President:                         Lyndon B. Johnson


Runner-Up:                              Richard M. Nixon


Secretary of State:                     Dean Rusk

Attorney-General:                     Robert Kennedy


Jobs:           navy officer

                   U.S. House of Representatives

                   U.S. Senate


Events:        U.S. Peace Corps established

                   “Freedom March on Washington, D.C.”

                   Bay of Pigs invasion

                   Cuban Missle Crisis

                   1st man in space

                   Berlin Wall built

Alliance for Progress established (10 year aid program for Latin


                   Nuclear Test Ban Treaty


Terms:         “New Frontier”

                   Youngest man elected president















LYNDON B. JOHNSON  (1963-1969)



Vice-President (1st term):          none

                       (2nd term):         Hubert H. Humphrey


Runner-Up (1st term):               none

                   (2nd term):              Barry Goldwater


Secretary of State:           Dean Rusk

1st Attorney-General:      Robert Kennedy


Jobs:           congressional secretary

                   Texas state administrator, National Youth Administration

                   U.S. House of Representatives

                   Navy officer

                   U.S. Senate

                   Minority Leader, U.S. Senate

                   Majority Leader, U.S. Senate



Events:        Civil Rights Act of 1964

                   1st heart transplant

                   Gulf of Tonkin Incident

                   Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

                   Combat troops sent into Vietnam

                   1st “walk in space”

                   Medicare passed

                   24th Amendment outlawed poll taxes

                   25th Amendment (appointed vice president)


                   Dominican Republic invaded to support government against


1st Black cabinet member - Robert C. Weaver appointed

          Secretary of H.U.D. (Housing and Urban Development)

1st Black Supreme Court Justice – Thurgood Marshall


Terms:         War on Poverty

                   “Great Society”


RICHARD M. NIXON  (1969-1974)



1st Vice-President:           Spiro Agnew (resigned)

2nd Vice-President:                   Gerald Ford (appointed under 25th Amendment)


Runner-Up (1st term):               Hubert H. Humphrey

                   (2nd term):              George McGovern


last Secretary of State:     Henry Kissinger


Jobs:           navy officer

                   U.S. House of Representatives

                   U.S. Senate



Events:        U.S. troops pulled out of Vietnam

                   Nixon Doctrine

                   China recognized

                   26th Amendment:  18 year old voting age

                   revenue sharing bill

                   1st man on moon

                   Watergate Scandal

                   Vice-President Agnew resigned

                   1st Vice President appointed under 25th Amendment (Ford)

                   A.B.M. system  (part of M.A.D.)                


Terms:         détente


                   “New Federalism”


                   Public Corporations:      

                             Post Office Corporation








GERALD R. FORD  (1974-1977)



Vice-President:               Nelson Rockefeller (appointed)


Runner-Up:                    none


Secretary of State:           Henry Kissinger


Jobs:                     navy officer

                             U.S. House of Representatives

                             Minority Leader, U.S. House of Representatives

                             Vice-President  (appointed under 25th Amendment)


Events:                 Nixon pardoned

                             Mayaguez Seizure Incident

                             Amnesty Program for draft evaders

                             Vietnam War ends

                             Two assassination attempts in 17 days

                             Appointed a vice-president





















JAMES EARL CARTER  (1977-1981)



Vice-President:               Walter Mondale


Runner-Up:                    Gerald Ford


Last Secretary of State:    Edmund Muskie


Jobs:           navy officer

                   Georgia Senate

                   Governor of Georgia


Events:        Camp David Accords

                   U.S. hostages taken by Iran     

                   U.S. boycotts Moscow 1980 Olympics

                   Panama Canal Treaty

                   SALT II Treaty negotiated, not ratified because of

                             Russian invasion of Afghanistan


                   H.H.S.  (Department of Health and Human Services) created

                   White House Chief of Staff created






















Vice-President (1st term):          George W. Bush

                       (2nd term):         George W. Bush


Runner-Up (1st term):               Jimmy Carter

                   (2nd term):              Walter Mondale


Events:        space shuttle Challenger explodes

                   U.S. forces invade Grenada

                   Russians boycott 1984 L.A. Olympics

                   Assassination attempt

                   Libya attacked by U.S. forces

Marine Barracks bombed in Beirut

1st woman appointed to Supreme Court – Sandra Day O’Connor


Economics:  lowered taxes

                   Lowered benefits

                   Increased defense spending

Recession – increased taxes


2nd term:


Strategic Defense Initiative (Star Wars)

          Space-based missile system               


                   Iran-Contra Affair

                             U.S. sold illegal weapons to Iran to fund supplies

                             For Nicaragua rebels (anti-communist)











GEORGE H.W. BUSH  (1989-1993)



Vice-President:               Dan Quayle


Runner-Up:                    Michael Dukakis


Secretary of State:           James Baker

Secretary of Defense:      Dick Cheney


Jobs:           U.S. House of Representatives

                   U.S. Ambassador

                   Director of the C.I.A.

                   Envoy to China

                   Chairman, Republican National Committee



Events:        Operation Desert Shield

                   Operation Desert Storm


                   Savings and Loan Bailout

                   Exxon Valdez oil spill

                   Raised taxes (after “Read my lips. No new taxes!)

                   Rodney King Riots

                   Invasion of Panama

                   START I Treaty


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