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Classroom Procedures, Parent Info

Welcome to Mrs. Medina’s 3rd Grade Class!

Dear Parents,

I am pleased to take this opportunity to introduce myself to you and to welcome your child to my class! I am very excited to provide each student with a positive and rewarding learning experience that is built on a cooperative effort among parents, child, and myself. This letter is to inform you of some important information about Hope Charter School and my classroom. I will be working with my assistant Joy Dagon. She is going to be a great asset to our class. We are both excited about having the opportunity to be with your children this year!

HOMEWORK: Your child will have homework throughout each week. Please check your child’s homework folder each night. Monitor your child as he/she completes the assignments. After you have looked over the homework, please sign the planner for that night.

ABSENCES/TARDIES: Class begins promptly at 8:30 a.m. Students who enter the classroom after 8:30 a.m. will be marked tardy. If your child is absent, please email me or call the Hope office if possible. I will be able to serve your child better if I am aware of all planned absences, so I can prepare their work for them while they are gone. Hope Charter requires that you send in a signed doctors note to excuse any absence due to illness.

HOPE CHARTER SCHOOL PLANNER: Each student will be given a planner to help them become more organized and to let the parents know what homework has been assigned as well as any upcoming events. Please look at your child’s planner each day, discuss with your child what was covered that day, what homework is to be done and sign on the correct day’s line. Your child will be responsible for making sure that his/her planner has been filled out each day and signed each night.

COMMUNICATION: Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions, especially in the first few weeks of the school year. Hope Charter School’s phone number is 407-656-4673. If you call the front office they will be able to direct your call to our classroom. You can also write a note in your child’s planner or on a separate piece of paper to contact me. My email address is:


Feel free to email me with any questions or concerns, or if you would like to set up an appointment to meet with me.

WEBSITE: Please check Hope Charter’s website by visiting www.hopecharter.org. Here you will find the student handbook, important dates, etc.  You can also find pertinent information about our class by clicking on my name!

PROGRESSBOOK: Progressbook is where you can check your child’s grades. It gives you their weighted average grade for every subject. You can also check to see what your child might be missing from being absent. Progressbook allows you to check your child’s absences and tardies. You can access your login to Progressbook from the office. This is a great tool and I encourage you to use it!

Thank you very much for your time. I’m looking forward to a wonderful and successful school year!


Mrs. Breianne Medina and Mrs. Joy Dagon

Photo of Breianne Medina

Breianne Medina

3rd Grade Teacher

  • www.hopecharter.org/sites/breianne-medina (opens in new window)

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